The is to inform all
postgraduate students, admitted for the 2016/2017 academic session,
that there will be compulsory postgraduate workshop on the
courses PGC 601 and PGC 701 for Master’s and Ph.D degree students. The
workshop, meant for students in Nsukka and Enugu campuses, is scheduled to take
place as follows:
Date: 12th -13th
October, 2017: for Master’s and Ph.D students in Nsukka Campus
Venue: Nnamdi Azikiwe Library,
19th – 20th October, 2017:
for Master’s and Ph.D students in Enugu Campus
Venue: Enugu Campus CEMAC Hall.
Concerned students are expected to pay the sum of
Six Thousand Naira (N6,000.00) only. They are to generate payment invoice from
the university’s portal and make the payment in any commercial bank.
Opening ceremony
Opening ceremony for the workshop will take place
by 10.00am at the Princess Alexandra Auditorium, Nsukka Campus. After the
ceremony, manual registration for the workshop will continue at the Nnamdi
Azikiwe Library, UNN and CEMAC Hall, UNEC.
The manual registration will commence on 12th
October, 2017 from 8.00am for Nsukka Campus, while that of UNEC will start from
8.00am on 19th October, 2017
Please note that registration and participation
in the workshop is prerequisite for graduation.
T. Ugwueze,
Deputy Registrar/Secretary,
School of Postgraduate Studies.